Posts in English
USV PowerWalker Basic VI 650 SB
- 2025-01-20
Aka. my first USV. :D
Here’s a Github issue I created to give back to the community: networkupstools/nut#2777
Migrating Python setup.cfg / to pyproject.toml
- 2024-10-29
This is how I migrate my old style of Python project setup using setup.cfg
to pyproject.toml
using uv
and setuptools
Before, I used pyenv with .python-project
containing the name of a
project-specific Python version to switch automatically on cd’ing to the
project directory.
Zitronensäure Pulver Amazon Preisvergleich mit Mistral AI
- 2024-10-24
Dort habe ich den Text aller Produkte markiert und Mistral Large 2 gebeten, mir eine Tabelle daraus zu machen:
Kitty Terminal Emulator
- 2024-10-22
noctuid/tdrop: A Glorified WM-Independent Dropdown Creator via Any way to make Kitty or Alacritty work as a dropdown terminal(gnome extension ddterm/yakuake)? : r/linuxquestions
TIL: SOA Refresh Value
- 2024-09-24
[ warns] if DNS SOA TTL is lower than 20 minutes (1200 seconds) or higher than 12 hours (43200 seconds).
NVMe broken?
- 2024-08-27
Well… Nothing to do here. Let’s wait and see. Meanwhile, I’ll use nvme1n1
as a temporary media storage.
Cleanup Git Repo (Rewrite)
- 2024-08-21
Do not do this on public repos unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing!
My homeassistant config is in a git repo (of course).
No knowing any better, I added the database file config/home-assistant_v2.db
It is growing fast and I want to exclude it from the repo.
Spülmaschine kaputt
- 2024-07-29
Wir haben eine alte Ignis ADL 350 IP Spülmaschine.
Am Freitag, den 26.07.2024 fiel uns auf, dass die Maschine irgendwie nicht richtig spült. Am Samstag habe ich sie sauber gemacht und hatte gefühlt ein halbes Taschentuch am Putztuch. Vielleicht ist ein Taschentuch oder ein Küchentuch beim Einräumen mit reingerutscht - oops. Die Maschine spült, verwendet aber je Spülgang das ganze Salz (kein Witz). Erste Research legt die Vermutung nahe, dass der Schmutzsensor verstopft ist, und die Maschine deswegen so viel Salz in den Spülraum bringt. Gestern (Sonntag) habe ich Essigessenz probiert. Hat nicht viel geholfen.
TIL: vim K
- 2024-06-23
I was having fun with my Neovim config, but do not know the Lua API at all.
That’s why I was looking to find help for a word under my cursor. Thus, I googled “neovim open help under cursor”. Ingo Karkat delivered on Stackoverflow:
gigabit WAN
- 2024-06-08
Vodafone was successful in upselling a faster connection to me. Now we have 1Gbps downstream and 50Mbps upstream. Just yesterday, the modem came by mail.
It’s a CGA6444VF.
- 2024-06-04
DuckDB just released 1.0.0. I bet on DuckDB. Let’s see what the future holds.
Public PostgreSQL?
- 2024-04-23
I want a tool that can easily ingest arbitrary data that I can use for personal data science.
At first I was thinking of running Postgres publicly - of course with TLS enabled and strict access control.
Caddy Compression and Caching
- 2024-04-21
This blog is built with Sphinx and served by Caddy.
Unfortunately says that is slow on mobile. Let’s do something about that.
TIL: Pycharm: Remember Database Query Results
- 2024-04-19
As the docs state:
By default, PyCharm updates the same tab with results each time you run a new query after the previous one. You can change this behavior and create a tab each time you run a new query.
TIL: KeepassXC never ask
- 2024-04-19
The KeepassXC-Browser extension asks if a domain is allowed to access credentials. I want to skip this dialog, as I always save passwords with a concrete domain. Here’s how (via):
Tools > Settings > Browser Integration > Advanced tab
KeepassXC Keeshare
- 2024-04-18
Tools > Settings > KeeShare
LVM Snapshot Create / Merge / Rollback
- 2024-04-01
Example use-case: Snapshot Gitlab VM disk before running an upgrade.
Check volume groups and logical volumes:
Git Sign Commits With SSH
- 2024-03-30
First, make sure that your pubkey is present in Gitlab.
TIL: inxi system information
- 2024-02-22
I was looking through the packages supplied by the Tuxedo apt repo:
That’s when I came across inxi.
TIL: Gitlab CI: The needs Keyword
- 2024-02-07
Gitlab CI has the needs keyword since 2021. It allows building stageless pipelines, but has many uses.
Sometimes we run different test suites in parallel (e.g. unit-tests and integration tests), but want aggregated coverage results. This results in a pipeline like this:
TIL: Pycharm Open All Modified Files
- 2024-01-26
Pycharm can open all modified files in new tabs.
Open the “Commit” tool window (Alt+0) and hit F4 on “Changes”:
TIL: Dockerfile Heredocs
- 2024-01-24
I did not even know that Docker has support for heredocs until today.
Then I read the official blog post from 2021. In my defense: Using this depends on buildkit, which only became default in Docker Engine v23 released in 2023.
git bisect
- 2023-12-11
Given that HEAD
is a bad commit and v2.6.13-rc2
is good, start the bisect
Next, choose either one of:
Neovim Spell Checking for Multiple Languages
- 2023-11-23
To enable spelling globally, run
Brooks’ Law
- 2023-11-20
There is an image in The Bluffer’s Guide to The Mythical Man-Month that fits my mental model of one aspect of Brooks’ Law perfectly.
By increasing the number of people you increase the number of communication channels exponentially.
Static Sites as Gitlab Review Apps with Caddy
- 2023-11-19
For our book’s page at Grundkurs agiles Software-Engineering we use Sphinx with myst-parser as a static site generator and Gitlab CI to build and deploy.
We use GitLab Review apps to
deploy the site on a subdomain, e.g.
- 2023-11-14
Allow writing to a directory for an unprivileged user using linux acl (setfacl).
Allow the user gitlab-runner
to write to /var/www/
Words Written This Year
- 2023-11-12
The year is coming to an end. I promised myself to write more, so now would be a good time to count things, that is: words. Let’s count words!
I tried a top-down approach a while ago, but it did not work out, because I got side-tracked with technicalities. Let’s try a bottom-up approach this time.
TIL: Monitoring Docker Memory with Limits on Prometheus
- 2023-09-07
One of our CI jobs failed seemingly without any reason. When a Celery job established a new HTTP connection, then its container stopped working. Later on I noticed the following message from docker-compose:
The exit code 137 means that a process was out of memory (OOM).
In this case, the celery container had a limit of 2GiB and docker killed it when it went over that.
Here is how we define the memory limit in our docker-compose.yml
- 2023-05-12
A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
I am still on Ubuntu 20.04, so I only get version 1.5.4
TIL: vim docker-compose.yml completion using vim-coc
- 2023-05-08
TIL: Systemd Journald Cannot Clear the Logs of a Specific Unit
- 2023-05-03
Some logs of my Docker containers got out of hand, so I tried Docker’s Journald logging driver. It did not take long for the log of the service to grow again, but no problem. Here’s the plan:
reconfigure service to be less verbose
Tuxedo Akku Aufgebläht
- 2023-04-26
Stolz habe ich von meinem Tuxedo InfinityBook S 14 - Gen6 berichtet, nachdem wir es vor knapp 1,5 Jahren am 20.09.2021 gekauft hatten.
Vorgestern ist mir dann aufgefallen, dass sich der Akku aufgebläht hat:
Letsencrypt Wildcard With Hetzner DNS
- 2023-04-21
Example domain:
TIL: Grafana Dashboard Link Time Range
- 2023-04-20
If you want to link from one dashboard to another, simply use
For example:
Python Ellipsis
- 2023-03-08
You can use the ellipsis literal ...
to show the general structure of some code while keeping it valid Python, e.g.:
TIL: Loki LogQL Pattern Matching for uWSGI Logs
- 2023-03-07
Suppose you have log lines like this as uWSGI generates them:
First, let’s show the logs in a “Logs” view and filter them:
TIL: Prometheus file_sd_configs to Organize Static Scrape Configs
- 2023-02-16
Changes to all defined files are detected via disk watches and applied immediately.
TIL: git restore
- 2023-02-15 by “meh”
- 2022-08-08
Ich bin seit vielen Jahren Kunde bei Vodafone - sogar noch seit der Zeit als Kabel Deutschland noch eine eigenständige GmbH (KDG) war. Da habe ich gerade gelernt, dass Kabel Deutschland aus der Telekom ausgegliedert wurde.
Fast alle Internetanbieter haben spezielle Angebote für Neukunden. Warum sollte ich als Bestandskunde, der dem Anbieter treu ist, mehr zahlen als ein Neukunde?
Bose Soundsport Return
- 2022-04-28
The microphone of my Bose Soundsport Wireless headphones went dead today.
So I went to the Support Page. The chat was unavailable [1], so used Whatsapp. You can find the complete chat log below [2]. The input style of using numbers to select answers reminded me of old text adventure games and interfaces of the DOS-era.