Posted in 2024
Waschmaschine Kaputt
- 2024-08-30
Frei nach dem Motto: “Wenn’s läuft, dann läuft’s” ging der Dichtring unserer Waschmaschine gestern kaputt.
NVMe broken?
- 2024-08-27
Well… Nothing to do here. Let’s wait and see. Meanwhile, I’ll use nvme1n1
as a temporary media storage.
Cleanup Git Repo (Rewrite)
- 2024-08-21
Do not do this on public repos unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing!
My homeassistant config is in a git repo (of course).
No knowing any better, I added the database file config/home-assistant_v2.db
It is growing fast and I want to exclude it from the repo.
Bäuerchen in der Nacht
- 2024-08-05
Es wirkt komisch, die Kleine in der Nacht zu wecken, nur damit sie ein Bäuerchen machen kann. Sollte man das überhaupt tun? Gibt es Möglichkeiten sie so gut wie möglich durchschlafen lassen zu können? sagt, dass das Nachts eventuell gar nicht sein muss:
Spülmaschine kaputt
- 2024-07-29
Wir haben eine alte Ignis ADL 350 IP Spülmaschine.
Am Freitag, den 26.07.2024 fiel uns auf, dass die Maschine irgendwie nicht richtig spült. Am Samstag habe ich sie sauber gemacht und hatte gefühlt ein halbes Taschentuch am Putztuch. Vielleicht ist ein Taschentuch oder ein Küchentuch beim Einräumen mit reingerutscht - oops. Die Maschine spült, verwendet aber je Spülgang das ganze Salz (kein Witz). Erste Research legt die Vermutung nahe, dass der Schmutzsensor verstopft ist, und die Maschine deswegen so viel Salz in den Spülraum bringt. Gestern (Sonntag) habe ich Essigessenz probiert. Hat nicht viel geholfen.
TIL: vim K
- 2024-06-23
I was having fun with my Neovim config, but do not know the Lua API at all.
That’s why I was looking to find help for a word under my cursor. Thus, I googled “neovim open help under cursor”. Ingo Karkat delivered on Stackoverflow:
gigabit WAN
- 2024-06-08
Vodafone was successful in upselling a faster connection to me. Now we have 1Gbps downstream and 50Mbps upstream. Just yesterday, the modem came by mail.
It’s a CGA6444VF.
Public PostgreSQL?
- 2024-04-23
I want a tool that can easily ingest arbitrary data that I can use for personal data science.
At first I was thinking of running Postgres publicly - of course with TLS enabled and strict access control.
Caddy Compression and Caching
- 2024-04-21
This blog is built with Sphinx and served by Caddy.
Unfortunately says that is slow on mobile. Let’s do something about that.
TIL: Pycharm: Remember Database Query Results
- 2024-04-19
As the docs state:
By default, PyCharm updates the same tab with results each time you run a new query after the previous one. You can change this behavior and create a tab each time you run a new query.
TIL: KeepassXC never ask
- 2024-04-19
The KeepassXC-Browser extension asks if a domain is allowed to access credentials. I want to skip this dialog, as I always save passwords with a concrete domain. Here’s how (via):
Tools > Settings > Browser Integration > Advanced tab
KeepassXC Keeshare
- 2024-04-18
Tools > Settings > KeeShare
LVM Snapshot Create / Merge / Rollback
- 2024-04-01
Example use-case: Snapshot Gitlab VM disk before running an upgrade.
Check volume groups and logical volumes:
Git Sign Commits With SSH
- 2024-03-30
First, make sure that your pubkey is present in Gitlab.
TIL: inxi system information
- 2024-02-22
I was looking through the packages supplied by the Tuxedo apt repo:
That’s when I came across inxi.
TIL: Gitlab CI: The needs Keyword
- 2024-02-07
Gitlab CI has the needs keyword since 2021. It allows building stageless pipelines, but has many uses.
Sometimes we run different test suites in parallel (e.g. unit-tests and integration tests), but want aggregated coverage results. This results in a pipeline like this:
TIL: Pycharm Open All Modified Files
- 2024-01-26
Pycharm can open all modified files in new tabs.
Open the “Commit” tool window (Alt+0) and hit F4 on “Changes”:
TIL: Dockerfile Heredocs
- 2024-01-24
I did not even know that Docker has support for heredocs until today.
Then I read the official blog post from 2021. In my defense: Using this depends on buildkit, which only became default in Docker Engine v23 released in 2023.