Grafana Loki: Update from v2.9.5 to v3.2.1#
Verify config as per docs
docker run --rm -t -v ./loki/config.yaml:/config/loki-config.yaml grafana/loki:3.2.1 -config.file=/config/loki-config.yaml -verify-config=true
Results in
CONFIG ERROR: schema v13 is required to store Structured Metadata and use native OTLP ingestion, your schema version is v11. Set `allow_structured_metadata: false` in the `limits_config` section or set the command line argument `-valid
ation.allow-structured-metadata=false` and restart Loki. Then proceed to update to schema v13 or newer before re-enabling this config, search for 'Storage Schema' in the docs for the schema update procedure
CONFIG ERROR: `tsdb` index type is required to store Structured Metadata and use native OTLP ingestion, your index type is `boltdb-shipper` (defined in the `store` parameter of the schema_config). Set `allow_structured_metadata: false`
in the `limits_config` section or set the command line argument `-validation.allow-structured-metadata=false` and restart Loki. Then proceed to update the schema to use index type `tsdb` before re-enabling this config, search for 'Storage
Schema' in the docs for the schema update procedure
Make Loki use schema v13 (instead of v11) with tsdb store (instead of boltdb-shipper) from tomorrow onwards:
- from: 2020-10-24
store: boltdb-shipper
object_store: filesystem
schema: v11
prefix: index_
period: 24h
- from: "2024-11-01"
period: 24h
prefix: loki_ops_index_
object_store: filesystem
schema: v13
store: tsdb
# TODO: remove after schema change
# https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/setup/upgrade/
allow_structured_metadata: false