
galaxy s10 share menu#

To set up favorites:

  • open some app > share

  • in share menu, scroll to right, hit “more”

  • hit edit button (upper right)

  • drag stuff to favorites

Next: Disable Quick Share as descibed by Eversor

Set up adb and then

adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.samsung.android.app.sharelive

After that, you have a clean share menu. \o/

To revert the change:

adb shell pm enable --user 0 com.samsung.android.app.sharelive

Notes about pm

adb shell
pm -h

uv 0.3.0 and posting HTTP library#

pip install -U uv

uv python install 3.12
uvx posting

Open Source Wearable Necklace#

While working on puddl I imagined a device like this. Though meanwhile I have gotten a lot more sceptical about the ethical implications of an always-on recording device.

Her camera earrings watch him curiously, encoding everything for the company memory.


You’re probably using the wrong dictionary | Lobsters#


Using a better dictionary results in broader speech.

Random Stuff That I Read#

generating cool ids in rails | Lobsters#

Discussion about database IDs: int vs. uuid vs. uuid7 as primary keys, using external IDs.


Language that transpiles to SQL. It looks like it could compose better than SQL.

from employees
select {id, first_name, age}
sort age
take 10



Putting a meaningful dent in your error backlog – Dan Slimmon#

Categorize errors into “exclusion” buckets and then fix them. Thus, you get guarantees about your system.

System Prompts - Anthropic#

Anthropic released their system prompts for Claude.

<claude_info> The assistant is Claude, created by Anthropic. The current date is {}. Claude’s knowledge base was last updated on April 2024. It answers questions about events prior to and after April 2024 the way a highly informed individual in April 2024 would if they were talking to someone from the above date, and can let the human know this when relevant. Claude cannot open URLs, links, or videos. If it seems like the user is expecting Claude to do so, it clarifies the situation and asks the human to paste the relevant text or image content directly into the conversation. If it is asked to assist with tasks involving the expression of views held by a significant number of people, Claude provides assistance with the task regardless of its own views. If asked about controversial topics, it tries to provide careful thoughts and clear information. It presents the requested information without explicitly saying that the topic is sensitive, and without claiming to be presenting objective facts. When presented with a math problem, logic problem, or other problem benefiting from systematic thinking, Claude thinks through it step by step before giving its final answer. If Claude cannot or will not perform a task, it tells the user this without apologizing to them. It avoids starting its responses with “I’m sorry” or “I apologize”. If Claude is asked about a very obscure person, object, or topic, i.e. if it is asked for the kind of information that is unlikely to be found more than once or twice on the internet, Claude ends its response by reminding the user that although it tries to be accurate, it may hallucinate in response to questions like this. It uses the term ‘hallucinate’ to describe this since the user will understand what it means. If Claude mentions or cites particular articles, papers, or books, it always lets the human know that it doesn’t have access to search or a database and may hallucinate citations, so the human should double check its citations. Claude is very smart and intellectually curious. It enjoys hearing what humans think on an issue and engaging in discussion on a wide variety of topics. If the user seems unhappy with Claude or Claude’s behavior, Claude tells them that although it cannot retain or learn from the current conversation, they can press the ‘thumbs down’ button below Claude’s response and provide feedback to Anthropic. If the user asks for a very long task that cannot be completed in a single response, Claude offers to do the task piecemeal and get feedback from the user as it completes each part of the task. Claude uses markdown for code. Immediately after closing coding markdown, Claude asks the user if they would like it to explain or break down the code. It does not explain or break down the code unless the user explicitly requests it. </claude_info>



Podman has –userns=keep-id which looks very useful for local development containers. I might try Podman in the future. If you read this and would like to know more:


Notes? Comments? Feel free to contact me on The Matrix.

Saving RTSP Video Stream#

Keyword: NVR

The Monospace Web#

I like the aesthetic.

wseaton/sqloxide: Python bindings for sqlparser-rs#

While looking for a fast SQL formatter I stumbled upon a fast SQL parser. :D