# Bash Wrapper Scripts https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30878935 shows an interesting approach, but why create functions for scripts that could as well be files on your `$PATH` with all the nice things files give you like versioning with git? Here's my approach using a simple script called [nuscript-bash][]: ``` echo some command here echo another command there # ... and so on nuscript-bash ~/bin/something ``` Type `C-x C-h` in vim ([impl][histcomp]) and select some lines to paste. Edit as appropriate, but mainly replace `concrete-name` with `${some_var}`. Then simply run ``` something ``` For maintenance I use [edcom][]: ``` edcom something ``` [nuscript-bash]: https://github.com/felixhummel/bin/blob/6fb8fa2481510debfec3ad83c9ac486f115b9813/nuscript-bash [edcom]: https://github.com/felixhummel/bin/blob/6fb8fa2481510debfec3ad83c9ac486f115b9813/edcom [histcomp]: https://github.com/felixhummel/configs/blob/fbec11cdcaf6476e8c219248a4145f2e96d9c67e/vim/vim/0-my_stuff/bindings.vim#L48