*** SSH *** SSH-Keygen ========== 4096 RSA, no PW, inline comment, default location:: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -C "$USER@$HOSTNAME" print pubkey:: cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub Create passwordless throw-away key:: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -C '' -f /tmp/throwaway cat /tmp/throwaway This creates two files: `/tmp/throwaway` and `/tmp/throwaway.pub`. authorized_keys =============== :: umask 077 mkdir -p ~/.ssh cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys RSA === If you have a machine that only supports RSA, this might help:: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C "$USER@$HOSTNAME" cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Throwaway ========= :: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -C '' -f /tmp/throwaway Tunneling ========= I want to use daemon at `localhost` on port `8080` which is running on `serv` on port 80:: ssh -NfL 8080:localhost:80 serv echo $! # the PID Daemon running on `foo` on port 1234. Reachable via `gate`. Mission: Tunnel ``foo:1234`` to ``localhost:5678``:: ssh -NfL 5678:foo:1234 gate echo $! # the PID SOCKS5-Proxy ============ Listens on localhost:1080 and proxies via ``s3``:: ssh -ND 1080 s3 Test:: curl -I --socks5 localhost:1080 felixhummel.de Config ====== Be sure to run `mkdir -p ~/.ssh/masters` beforehand. :: # example entry Host enterprise Hostname User picard Port 1701 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/picards_id # use `enterprise` as proxy and the local IdentityFile (shuttle.lan is reachable from enterprise) # Warning: Use with care (see ForwardAgent in `man ssh_config`) # To check the keys your current ssh agent offers, run `ssh-add -l` Host shuttle Hostname shuttle.lan ForwardAgent yes ProxyJump enterprise # WARNING keep this at the end of this file # ========================================= # Because "first value wins". From `man 5 ssh_config`: # "Since the first obtained value for each parameter is used, more # host-specific declarations should be given near the beginning of the file, # and general defaults at the end." Host * # Keep Connections Alive ServerAliveInterval 60 # re-use connections to the same host ControlMaster auto # leave connection open in background ControlPersist 4h ControlPath ~/.ssh/masters/%r@%h:%p # use `ssh -o ControlPath=none` to disable this temporarily # and to close this: `ssh -O exit some_server` Fingerprints ============ Get fingerprint of public key:: ssh-keygen -E sha256 -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub