****** Apache ****** Some notes about stuff I kept googling. SSL === .. highlight:: bash Need key and cert? As root:: servername=example.org # <-- this is a usage example ;) servername= prefix=/srv/certs mkdir -p $prefix keyfile_path=$prefix/$servername.key signing_request_path=$prefix/$servername.csr cert_path=$prefix/$servername.crt # create the private key openssl genrsa -out $keyfile_path 1024 # create a signing request (if you don't care, press enter 9 times) # for wildcard certificates (e.g. *.domain.com), set Common Name accordingly openssl req -new\ -key $keyfile_path\ -out $signing_request_path # create a self-signed certificate openssl x509\ -in $signing_request_path\ -out $cert_path\ -req -signkey $keyfile_path\ -days 65500 # let's see those files echo $prefix && ls $prefix Example config:: document_root= basic_auth_file= echo " ServerName $servername DocumentRoot $document_root SSLEngine on SSLCertificateKeyFile $keyfile_path SSLCertificateFile $cert_path Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride none Order allow,deny Allow from all AuthType Basic AuthName $(basename $document_root) AuthUserFile $basic_auth_file " Sources ------- http://www.crazysquirrel.com/computing/debian/apache-mod_ssl.jspx