--- blogpost: true language: en date: 2023-03-07 tags: til author: felix --- # TIL: Loki LogQL Pattern Matching for uWSGI Logs Suppose you have log lines like this as uWSGI generates them: ``` [pid: 13|app: 0|req: 8331/12326] () {34 vars in 999 bytes} [Tue Mar 7 16:08:57 2023] GET /foo => generated 4289 bytes in 45 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 73 bytes (1 switches on core 1) ``` First, let's show the logs in a "Logs" view and filter them: ``` {instance="prod",compose_service="core"} |= "generated" != "/metrics" ``` Extract fields by using the [pattern parser][] [^pattern-blog]: ``` {instance="prod",compose_service="core"} |= "generated" != "/metrics" # [pid: 13|app: 0|req: 8331/12326] () {34 vars in 999 bytes} [Tue Mar 7 16:08:57 2023] GET /foo => generated 4289 bytes in 45 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 73 bytes (1 switches on core 1) | pattern `[<_>] <_> () {<_>} [<_>] => <_> (HTTP/1.1 )` ``` You can now expand the line inside the explore view. There you will see the extracted log labels `method`, `path` and `status`. [pattern parser]: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/next/logql/log_queries/#pattern [^pattern-blog]: https://grafana.com/blog/2021/08/09/new-in-loki-2.3-logql-pattern-parser-makes-it-easier-to-extract-data-from-unstructured-logs/ Finally, format the lines using the extracted fields: ``` {instance="prod",compose_service="core"} |= "generated" != "/metrics" # [pid: 13|app: 0|req: 8331/12326] () {34 vars in 999 bytes} [Tue Mar 7 16:08:57 2023] GET /foo => generated 4289 bytes in 45 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 73 bytes (1 switches on core 1) | pattern `[<_>] <_> () {<_>} [<_>] => <_> (HTTP/1.1 )` | line_format `{{ .method }} {{ .path }} {{ .status }}` ``` This results in nicely readable output: ``` GET /foo 200 ``` ## Bonus To filter by HTTP 4xx and 5xx error codes, you can use the following hack: ``` {instance="prod",compose_service="core"} |= "generated" != "/metrics" # [pid: 13|app: 0|req: 8331/12326] () {34 vars in 999 bytes} [Tue Mar 7 16:08:57 2023] GET /foo => generated 4289 bytes in 45 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 73 bytes (1 switches on core 1) | pattern `[<_>] <_> () {<_>} [<_>] => <_> (HTTP/1.1 )` | line_format `{{ .method }} {{ .path }} {{ .status }}` # poor man's "status >= 400" follows, because there are no conditionals in golang's text/template # levels with color code: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/explore/logs-integration/#log-level # if / else with hasPrefix: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69976898/241240 | label_format level=`{{ if hasPrefix "4" .status }}error{{else if hasPrefix "5" .status}}error{{else}}info{{end}}` | level = "error" ```